
Two Thumbs Up! Must-See Pawpaw Videos

Pawpaw Fruit Image with Static on Old Television Set

A Curated Collection of the Best Pawpaw Clips and More

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YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine and a simple query for “pawpaws” can return overwhelming results. Not to mention, there are many hidden gems that the algorithms won’t necessarily recommend to viewers.

To help navigate through the web wilderness, here is a small library of core videos with highly value-added content about our favorite native fruit.

Looking for top-notch grafting demonstration videos? Visit Grafting Pawpaws: A Resource Guide.

In chronological order (newest first):

A sweet celebration of pawpaw fruit
CBS Sunday Morning
Nov 19, 2023
Allison Aubrey of NPR shines a national spotlight on pawpaws in “The Food Issue” episode. (Hey, did you catch a glimpse of those pawpaw sugar cookies?)

Neal Peterson Presents: The Unexpected Pawpaw Popularity
Klehm Arboretum
Oct 13, 2021
Get ready to take some notes with pawpaw grandmaster Neal Peterson. In the webinar, he shares his research and breeding experience with basic pointers – plus quite a few insightful nuggets.

Tree University: Powerful Pawpaws
Chadwick Arboretum
Oct 12, 2021
Looking for more information about woodland pawpaw patches? This webinar is for you! With guest speaker Professor Matt Davies of The Ohio State University.

Pawpaw Cultivation 2021
Boone County Arboretum
Sep 13, 2021
In this webinar, Sheri Crabtree of Kentucky State University covers a wide range of fundamental topics: growing and care, pest watchouts, culinary uses, and more.

2021 Ohio Pawpaw Virtual Conference
OSU South Centers
May 10, 2021
Take a deep dive into pawpaw nutrition, market and consumer preferences, tree protection, and other key issues.

Edible Mountain – What Is A Paw Paw?
West Virginia Public Broadcasting
Sep 3, 2020
West Virginia University (Morgantown, WV) is Neal Peterson’s alma mater and home to the WV Pawpaw Festival. Professor Zach Fowler, director of Core Arboretum, forages and talks about pawpaws.

Marc Boone cultivates hundreds of pawpaw trees in Michigan
Jul 17, 2020
Marc Boone is a pawpaw expert with decades of knowledge. In this tasteMAKERS episode, visit his u-pick orchard outside of Ann Arbor, MI.

All About Pawpaw Pollination with Frank the Fly and Benny the Beetle
One Green World
May 15, 2020
A personal favorite! You won’t find a better instructional video on hand pollination for pawpaw blossoms.

Growing Paw Paws for Lemonade!
Maryland Farm & Harvest
Jan 22, 2020
This installment of the public television series highlights 90 year-old pawpaw farmer John Popenoe of Cumberland, MD and his partnership with Western Maryland Lemonade.

One Tropical Native Fruit Tree You Must Grow in Zone 4-9 that has the Best Amazing Fruit
Learn Organic Gardening at GrowingYourGreens
Nov 10, 2019
John Kohler of Growing Your Greens spends time with Michael Judd, author of For the Love of Pawpaws: A Mini Manual for Growing and Caring for Pawpaws, at Long Creek Homestead (Frederick, MD).

Asimina Triloba: The Renaissance Fruit
Smight Productions
Oct 29, 2019
Footage from the Ohio Pawpaw Festival and West Virginia Pawpaw Festival, including commentary from chefs and event organizers.

Paw Paws To The Rescue! – The Fruit That Saved Lewis And Clark
Sep 25, 2019
Learn the incredible story of how foraged pawpaws saved the Corps of Discovery during the return homestretch from the West in 1806.

With every bite you take, you can make the world a better place
TEDx Talks
Nov 27, 2018
Chris Chmiel is the founder of Integration Acres (Albany, OH) and the Ohio Pawpaw Festival. In this TEDx Talk, he shares his life work with pawpaws and sustainable agriculture.

289: Andrew Moore on The Pawpaw Fruit
Greg Peterson
Sep 19, 2017
A podcast interview with Andrew Moore, author of Pawpaw: In Search of America’s Forgotten Fruit – a requisite book for any pawpaw enthusiast!

Zebra Swallowtails in the Great Cypress Swamp
Delaware Wild Lands, Inc
Jun 29, 2016
A short but nicely filmed video capturing Zebra Swallowtail butterflies (Protographium marcellus).

Pawpaws | Kentucky Life
KET – Kentucky Educational Television
Jul 16, 2013
Take a tour of Kentucky State University’s Research & Demonstration Farm with Kirk Pomper and Sheri Crabtree. The segment also includes interviews with local pawpaw growers.

Pawpaw: planting seeds
Jun 30, 2011
The official channel for Kentucky State University’s pawpaw research program, which features short and helpful clips. Be sure to subscribe to “KYSUAG” on YouTube and catch archived replays of “Third Thursday Thing: National Pawpaw Day.”

Tractor Supply
Check out our Microgreens at True Leaf Market