Happy Winter Solstice
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“While visions of pawpaws danced in their heads”
Pawpaws thrive in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 5 to 8 with exposure to hot, humid summers; however, the trees also need a dormant period of at least 400 chilling hours.
For growers, our momentum may slow down with the shorter days but it’s a critical time to strategically plan for the year ahead. There are key watch-outs and action steps over the next few months – don’t miss that window!
Winter Checklist
- Pre-order pawpaw trees and scion wood
- Take advantage of holiday deals on tools and supplies
- Shield trunks against southwest injury such as freeze cracks
- Securely stake any cages to prevent potential wind damage
- Protect the tap roots of potted trees from freezing temperatures
- Monitor moisture levels of potted trees in unheated sheds or garages
- Determine seed germination strategy after 90-120 days of stratification
- Collect scion wood in late winter to early spring
- Prune dead or diseased branches while trees are still dormant
- Stock up on fertilizer and mulch at your local garden center
On blustery days, grab a blanket and check out our one-stop resource hub with a curated collection of articles, videos, and podcasts.
Also, visit our Pawpaw Festival & Event directory to save dates and plan for travel.
Only 89 days until Spring!