A Spring Checklist for Pawpaw Growers

Pawpaw (Asimina triloba) flower blossom with early fruit cluster

Happy Spring Equinox

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Hello, Spring!

There is a sunny anticipation developing with the stretching of daylight hours and emerging buds on pawpaw branches.

It’s still possible to complete late winter tasks such as pruning while trees are dormant. Also, the window has not completely closed for scion wood – inventory is available from select nurseries.

If you are new to grafting, talk to experts or sign up for a workshop and start propagating your own trees.

The big “watch-out” will be late freezes (especially temperatures below 27°F) that can damage early buds and blossoms. For concerned backyard growers, the most straightforward option for in-ground tree protection would be non-plastic coverings to trap warmth.

Pawpaws are resilient, though. We hope this growing season generates plenty of fruit during peak harvest.

Spring Checklist

  • Wake up stratified seeds and start germinating
  • Clear any debris or emerging weeds around trees
  • Plant bare root or potted trees and add critter protection
  • Feed mature trees with fertilizers in April and May
  • Hand-pollinate flowers to help improve fruiting success
  • Layer fresh mulch around trees at 2-3 inches deep and 3-4 feet in diameter
  • Start grafting on healthy rootstock that is roughly pencil-thick
  • Monitor for any damage, disease, or pests
  • Plan for the year with the Pawpaw Festival & Events directory
  • Watch for and protect zebra swallowtail butterflies – a friend, not foe!

Still looking for plants? Check out “Hey Google, where can I find pawpaws?”

Our One-Stop Resource Hub lists several non-profit organizations with pawpaw experts who can provide additional growing advice and other tips and tricks.

Only 93 days until Summer!

Tractor Supply
Check out our Microgreens at True Leaf Market