
Got Fruit? Pawpaw Popsicles 3 Ways

Pawpaw Popsicles

Extend the Season with Delicious Frozen Treats

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Pawpaws have a notoriously short shelf life. While nothing beats chilled fresh fruit scooped with a spoon, the next best option may be gourmet popsicles with simple and easy ingredients.

For best results, these recipes call for fresh pawpaw pulp. Freezing is an ideal way to preserve your harvest and the treats will stay fresh for at least eight weeks.

Caution! Only use ripe fruit that has a slight “give” with a gentle squeeze like an avocado or peach. When preparing the fruit, be sure to carefully remove the skin (bitter) and all seed material (can cause severe stomach distress).

What you’ll need:

Classic Pawpaw Popsicle

This recipe is for pawpaw purists who enjoy the fruit with minimal additions.


  • 2 Cups of Pawpaw Pulp
  • 1/2 Cup of Water
  • 1 Fresh Lime
  • 4 Tablespoons of Sugar


  • In a blender, mix the pawpaw puree, water, sugar, and lime juice
  • Optional: add lime zest to the mix
  • Pour into popsicle molds
  • Insert popsicle sticks
  • Freeze for at least 6 hours

Yields about 5 popsicles

Creamy Pawpaw Popsicle

This rich snack with a tropical flavor twist will hit the spot any time of the day.


  • 1 Cup of Pawpaw Pulp
  • 1 Cup of Plain Greek Yogurt
  • 1/2 Cup of Whole Milk
  • 2 Tablespoons of Sugar
  • Pinch of Salt


  • In a blender, mix the pawpaw puree, Greek yogurt, milk, sugar, and salt
  • Pour into popsicle molds
  • Insert popsicle sticks
  • Freeze for at least 6 hours

Yields about 5 popsicles

Pawpaw Popsicle with a Flavor Twist

Is it sweet, spicy, or sour? Yes – all of the above! This recipe is inspired by paletas, which are delicious ice pops in Mexico.


  • 2 Cups of Pawpaw Pulp
  • 1 Fresh Lime
  • 1/2 Cup of Water
  • 4 Tablespoons of Sugar
  • Chamoy
  • Tajin


  • In a blender, mix the pawpaw puree, water, sugar, and lime juice
  • At the tip of the popsicle mold, spoon in a layer of Chamoy (to taste)
  • Sprinkle Tajin on top of the Chamoy (to taste)
  • Pour the puree into the popsicle molds
  • With a popsicle stick, gently swirl the Chamoy and puree
  • Spoon another layer of Chamoy at the bottom of the popsicle mold
  • Sprinkle more Tajin on top of the Chamoy (to taste)
  • Insert popsicle sticks
  • Freeze for at least 6 hours

Yields about 5 popsicles